Larry Mitchell
May 3, 2022
10 Reasons Stories Matter For Learning
1. A story invites people to a space beyond facts…a space that blends the heart/mind/soul/guts.
2. A story crafts a space to nurture the imagination and explore thoughts and ideas with curiosity.
3. A story adds color, sound, and life to a concept or a space of learning.
4. A story allows people to use all of their senses (touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste).
5. A story connects the teller and the listener and then extends that invitation to the listener to connect the story being told and the story of their life to the stories in the world around them.
6. A story creates trail markers that guide the listener or the reader through the learning journey.
7. A story acts as a memory point that the learner can look back at to connect with what was being taught. I still have people from 20-40 years ago who sat in a class or a space where I was communicating (whether that be walking a sidewalk or desert path or sitting in a classroom, sanctuary, or around a common table) and they remind me of a story that I told and the learning they connected that story with.
8. A story allows people to catch their breath along the metaphorical trail of learning. It allows the expressions of laughter and tears and uh-huh moments that are rooted in emotions and the raw reality of life.
9. A story authenticates a relationship between the listener and the teller by humanizing both.
10. A story creates the space and pace for the listener to bring their story, perspective, interpretation, and dialogue into the learning experience…ultimately creating the opportunity for transformative inductive learning.
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