Mark Shepherd
July 14, 2022
Asbury University will partner with Campus Edu to bring courses into robust online learning space
Asbury University is partnering with Campus Edu to enhance curricular offering in the digital space. This will begin with the transformation of six specialty Asbury courses for online learning. Through high-quality video, storytelling, and instructional design, these courses will connect with students in new and exciting ways.
The partnership launches in January 2023 with six initial courses:
• The Cultural Influence of Mass Media (COM 130)
• Give, Save, Spend (BUA 281)
• Single Camera Production (MC 302)
• Interactive Media 1 (MC 225)
• Principles of Management (BUA 211)
• Theater Stage Management (THA 313)
The course authors and Campus designers are collaborating to take existing courses and give them even greater visual and pedagogical appeal. The increasing digital-native generation desires learning tools and courses that are intuitive and easy to use.
Asbury University Provost, Dr. Timothy Wooster, sees Campus as a strategic partner for the university and a way to extend Asbury’s top notch in-person experience to a robust online platform to engage with even more students.
“This partnership will accelerate our goal to use emerging technologies to transform our curriculum, engage new markets, and bring the rich traditions of our on-campus programs into the digital space,” he said. “This will allow us to fulfill our mission to ‘enable students to acquire skills and attitudes that promote the holistic integration of faith, learning and living in a Christ-centered transformative community...’ in new and innovative ways.”
Ken Schenck, Campus Edu Vice President of University Partnerships sees Asbury as a leader in creating immersive courses for online learning. Schenck noted that “Asbury is a school that not only sees the current situation in higher education clearly but is taking clear steps to address the situation. They see the opportunity to engage not only their existing students but potential students with the kinds of interactive, multimedia experiences they already have online.”
About Asbury University
- Asbury University is a nationally ranked Christian liberal arts institution in the heart of Kentucky with 15 academic departments offering more than 150 undergraduate areas of study, along with graduate degrees and certification programs in business administration, media communication and education and an online adult professional services program. More than 22,000 living alumni surround the globe, leading and serving in all 50 states and at least 80 nations.
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